The perfect timing, we constantly try to figure out when is the perfect time or if there is such thing... There has been several times I planned and planned to get certain things done at a certain time whether it be cooking, driving, dieting, saving money sometimes it just doesn't happen. People often say things like "you'll meet the love of your life at the perfect time in your life." Has anyone ever thought about how that perfect time will play out? Like will they meet you at your best or during your mess! Either way it's still consist of the perfect time because during your best you're happy and then meet the love of your life, however when you're going through your mess will you have knowledge to be aware of meeting this person during your mess is a blessing if they come into your life with you gaining either the love, knowledge, or support they may be offering you at that very moment will you be knowledgeable to understand this is "your perfect time." I think we all focus on making our own perfect time that we don't often let go, wait, and have awareness of what's actually happening to recognize "the perfect time." I've learned to let go, do my best so i can meet my "perfect time" and to be fully aware of the moment.
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