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Texts to your younger self;

Ever thought about what you'd say to the younger you? What's some of the best advice you know for sure the younger you would need to hear if you had the chance to go back just to inform them. Here's my top three. My first advice will be to discover self love earlier on, because knowing yourself will determine who you are, what you allow, how you treat people, and knowing the love you deserve. Next, to enjoy moments and people while you can & even if they do leave you embrace it and let them go with ease, because everyone has a purpose in your life. Whether it's to make you happy, teach you a lesson, be your protector, supporter, etc. Learn from it or enjoy it, but be okay when things end, and people leave. Go through the emotions, but grow through them, everything will be okay, and life goes on either way. Third, follow every dream you have, do things in life that will make you happy. Don't settle for jobs beca

use of money. Money is only everything because the world push it to be, but it's really worth nothing. Ugh, i have some much advice for the younger me, since i can't go back i hope this read help you with whatever you're dealing with, if you're okay and know someone else who needs to here this. Share it! Let's spread the knowledge and love.

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